Friday, June 24, 2005

News from the Western Front

The supreme court...hell...the government in general...has gone off the deep end. What are these people thinking about anyway? From a republic to a police state in a matter of years. I find it incredulous that our own supreme court would betray the common people...but time and again...they have proved it. The last indignity involves the use of eminent domain. That is government seizure of private property for the "alleged" good of the people. Without real rhyme, nor reason...the majority of the supreme court just ruled that cities and municipalities can forcibly take private property from individuals in order to build up their tax base. What the f*ck!

Incredible as it is true. In a 5-4 decision, the justices ruled that cities can now take private property for no other reason than to develope it with bigger malls, department stores, office towers and the like....for no other reaon than to allow cities to create greater tax generators. I would expect something like this from China, the old USSR, or NAZI Germany...but here in the "vangaurd" of democracy!? Oh sure, the former property owners are supposed to be compensated for the property, but who determines what the "fair" market value is? With the median price of homes in LA County now over $500,000...I don't see the cities coming up with that kind of payout.

I really am beginning to regret helping to elect that super-capitalist...G.W. Bush...into office. His ultra right wing policies are turning this country into a police state run by major corporations, the wealthy and the crooks. How much money has he flushed down the rat hole of Iraq now...latest estimates are over 300 billion dollars! No end in sight of that mess...yet he refuses to set a timetable for withdrawal. Even his generals in command are questioning the effectiveness...yet he, Chaney and Rumsfield keep parroting the same old tired phrases.

Welcome to the new and revived "Third Reich"...G.W. Bush style. His policies are a dichotomy of what every politician should study. Dismantle the middle class, separate the classes even more, enrich the rich, empower the powerful, worship celebrities, fuel the war machine...and in stark contrast...allow virtually unimpeded flow of illegal aliens across our borders so our infrastructure collapses from the weight. Unbelievable!
Allow communist China to dump tons and tons of cheap goods on our soil so our trade balance with them is skewed for hundreds of millions of dollars. Outrageous! Come down on Iraq and Afanganistan with the force of thunder for trumped up charges of WMDs...yet appease and placate...year after year...nuclear threats from North Korea, China and Iran. Just as England did for Hitler. Infuriating!

Whatever happened to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Pieces of paper...just pieces of paper.

Political Asylum anyone? I think it's about time other countries shared the load...God knows how many of their people we have taken over the last 100 years.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

TSA Shannanigans Part 3

So early this morning I get a call from Jonathan of TSA Human Resources in Rustin, Virginia. He wanted to go over the details of my SF-50. I explained to him that there appeared to be several inconsistances. He did state that the NOA 460 coded SF-50 was related to my work injury and worker compensation...and that it was a legal document. However...when I explained that I should have been listed as a permanent employee no longer under probation...he agreed.

He had checked the computer and it stated that I was hired on 11/10/2002 and terminated on 01/10/2005. He stated that the agency possibly made a mistake in terminating me as a probationary employee...with absolutely no appeal rights whatsoever. It appeared to him that I should have been terminated as an employee subject to greivance rights to contest the termination.

He stated that he would do some checking into the problem and make the corrections to the SF-50 if needed. At least someone had the common decency to call me back. Much better treatment than what the Los Angeles HR office has given me over the years. Time will tell.

Monday, June 20, 2005

When Rises the Moon and Whispers Your Name.

I just went outside a little bit ago and looked up at the stars. There it sat...a most brilliant moon. Almost full and as bright as any street lamp. As I gazed at the night sky...a shooting star streaked across my field of vision. Over the moon it went...headed east toward the state of which she abodes. That was all it took for the memories to come flooding my senses once again. As if I were transported through time and space...I was there again in Georgia some 13 years ago.

It was as if she were standing next to me. My heart pulse quickened...and my mind reeled. I could feel her cosmic presence touch my soul...though the physical manifestation of her being was nearly 2 states away. My thoughts relived the trauma of what had happened between us. The force of lightening and thunder that split our world in two. The salt of a thousand tears fell upon my mouth as had it done so long ago. Recriminations of things long since past still haunt my dreams...and my days.

With the shine of the moon overhead...I could almost see her dark eyes piercing from the sky...reminding me of the sacrifice I had made for daring to let my emotions control my fate. But as my emotions were to were hers. In this respect...we shared a common bond. We were creatures of emotion and empathy. Creatures split by the hard reality of a cruel and distant world. So it seemed as I continued my gaze upon the moon and wondered aloud why those things had come to pass.

As she knew what was in my to did I know what was in hers. After 13 years of exile...the bond still holds. The secret link between a man and a woman that only heaven can truly comprehend. Though I may never again lay my eyes upon her beauty...the bond shall remain unbroken between our souls...within our hearts.

by Tony

As I had done so many times before...I looked upon a starry night...a golden moon of shining light. And thus before my eyes appeared...her flowing hair...and face of cheer. My ears could hear and my eyes could see...a ghostly fog that has haunted me.

Now the time has come to go...I've gazed enough to let her know. Alway shall my life be hers...of that I think she will concur. I bid to her a fond farewell...until the next bright moon...shall rise and swell.

That is how it comes to me...the dreams I have of what should now be. Now only in my latent life...should I care for times of ardent strife. This now comes my soulful cry for fame and love for you.

Look down upon me from time to time...from the moon which your dark eyes shine. If you feel the eternal bond...lest not you forget we both were wronged.

What could have been...can still be...if our hearts and souls were set free. The night sky shall remain same...when rises the moon and whispers your name.

TSA Shannanigans...Part 2

So Saturday I get back to the barrio...and what do I find in the old mail box? A packet of separation documents from TSA. Lo and behold...inside is a new SF-50 separation form. Similar to the one I had received just a few days earlier...but...several of the codes were changed. Big surprise here lol. First...I noticed that the reason for the separation was now changed to "Termination of employment during probationary period". Funny...the one I received just a few days ago stated the separation was for LWOP for a work related injury expected to last over 80 days. Hmmm.

Here is the real kicker though...the "new" sf-50 had the code for "permanent" employee marked in the tenure section. According to OPM regulations...this means no restrictions...or probationary period left. could they terminate my employment as a probationary employee when the document clearly indicates me being a permanent employee? I was hired on November 10, 2002 and separated on January 10, 2005. Oh well...after 13 years of this type of crapola from the is to be expected. It just never ends...I guess I am going to my grave fighting with the government over this stuff.

So what's on the schedule today...trying to straighten this mess usual. Plenty of phone calls and bureacratic Slugs. Happy, happy, joy, the words of Ren and Stimpy.