On October 27th, 2013, my dear mother, Katherine KarDova Shimmin, passed away after a long illness. She was in such pain that at least I know that she is no longer suffering. I keep expecting her to call me and ask how I am doing...but I know that will never happen again. It is a devastating blow to lose a parent...and now I am an orphan...or so it seems. My father died in 1996, so now I am parentless, and feel so alone. No longer can I talk to her to help me cheer up when things are looking down. No longer can I rely on her sound advice and encouragement. No longer can I tell her that I love her, or that she can tell me the same. I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to Idaho about 3 weeks before she passed away and spend a few days with her. She seemed alert and in full control of her faculties...even though her body was ravaged by Lupus and a very rare blood disease. Just 3 weeks later I get a call on Sunday morning from my sister telling me of her passing. Life just doesn't feel the same anymore. I feel more alone now...since I have no close family here in Los Angeles.
It feels nearly the same as when I lost Alma over 21 years ago due to my own stupidity. The 2 most important women in my life...now gone. I can only pray that she is at the side of God in Heaven and she is looking down to watch over me. Thank you mom for being such a wonderful friend, advisor, counselor, provider, caretaker and loving soul!
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