News from the Western Front
The supreme court...hell...the government in general...has gone off the deep end. What are these people thinking about anyway? From a republic to a police state in a matter of years. I find it incredulous that our own supreme court would betray the common people...but time and again...they have proved it. The last indignity involves the use of eminent domain. That is government seizure of private property for the "alleged" good of the people. Without real rhyme, nor reason...the majority of the supreme court just ruled that cities and municipalities can forcibly take private property from individuals in order to build up their tax base. What the f*ck!
Incredible as it is true. In a 5-4 decision, the justices ruled that cities can now take private property for no other reason than to develope it with bigger malls, department stores, office towers and the like....for no other reaon than to allow cities to create greater tax generators. I would expect something like this from China, the old USSR, or NAZI Germany...but here in the "vangaurd" of democracy!? Oh sure, the former property owners are supposed to be compensated for the property, but who determines what the "fair" market value is? With the median price of homes in LA County now over $500,000...I don't see the cities coming up with that kind of payout.
I really am beginning to regret helping to elect that super-capitalist...G.W. Bush...into office. His ultra right wing policies are turning this country into a police state run by major corporations, the wealthy and the crooks. How much money has he flushed down the rat hole of Iraq now...latest estimates are over 300 billion dollars! No end in sight of that mess...yet he refuses to set a timetable for withdrawal. Even his generals in command are questioning the effectiveness...yet he, Chaney and Rumsfield keep parroting the same old tired phrases.
Welcome to the new and revived "Third Reich"...G.W. Bush style. His policies are a dichotomy of what every politician should study. Dismantle the middle class, separate the classes even more, enrich the rich, empower the powerful, worship celebrities, fuel the war machine...and in stark contrast...allow virtually unimpeded flow of illegal aliens across our borders so our infrastructure collapses from the weight. Unbelievable!
Allow communist China to dump tons and tons of cheap goods on our soil so our trade balance with them is skewed for hundreds of millions of dollars. Outrageous! Come down on Iraq and Afanganistan with the force of thunder for trumped up charges of WMDs...yet appease and placate...year after year...nuclear threats from North Korea, China and Iran. Just as England did for Hitler. Infuriating!
Whatever happened to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Pieces of paper...just pieces of paper.
Political Asylum anyone? I think it's about time other countries shared the load...God knows how many of their people we have taken over the last 100 years.
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