Tuesday, June 21, 2005

TSA Shannanigans Part 3

So early this morning I get a call from Jonathan of TSA Human Resources in Rustin, Virginia. He wanted to go over the details of my SF-50. I explained to him that there appeared to be several inconsistances. He did state that the NOA 460 coded SF-50 was related to my work injury and worker compensation...and that it was a legal document. However...when I explained that I should have been listed as a permanent employee no longer under probation...he agreed.

He had checked the computer and it stated that I was hired on 11/10/2002 and terminated on 01/10/2005. He stated that the agency possibly made a mistake in terminating me as a probationary employee...with absolutely no appeal rights whatsoever. It appeared to him that I should have been terminated as an employee subject to greivance rights to contest the termination.

He stated that he would do some checking into the problem and make the corrections to the SF-50 if needed. At least someone had the common decency to call me back. Much better treatment than what the Los Angeles HR office has given me over the years. Time will tell.


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