Monday, June 06, 2005

Another "herp" and "entomological" photo expedition.

Yesterday I went with my cousin on another "expedition" for various reptiles, arachnids and insects in Riverside county. This was a photo expedition with our digital cameras. We find the flora and fauna and photograph them. Well yesterday we had much better success in locating the elusive animals then the last trip.

We located about 5 Desert Woodrats...2 adults and 3 young. Woodrats are also known as "packrats" for their habit of taking shiny objects and storing them. The most collected things they were hoarding were paint ball pellets that did not explode when shot.

A real bonus was to see 2 California Horned Lizards (Horny Toads) within a few feet of each other. Great pics there.

We saw 2 black and yellow striped California King Snakes...but they were so fast we couldn't get any photos. I found one black and yellow scorpion that was most aggressive and ready to sting. I also found 2 green and yellow centipedes that were about 3 inches long. We also located some very unusual beetles...about an inch long with yellow elytra (wing covers) black thorax, red heads and black and red abdomens. Very striking color patterns...perhaps some sort off Tiger Beetle.

All told, it was a good nature trip with lots of local flora and fauna to see.


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