Friday, August 04, 2006

Black Mountain lookout station lies just over this ridge. A nice 2 mile hike over rough terrain was required to reach it. Maybe next time. Posted by Picasa

An original 1934 Chevy pickup I saw parked un in the San Bernardino Mountains. Even has the original California plates. My kind of truck. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Yes...almost made it another year. My b-day is but a week away. Can you hear me Alma? Another year past and still I have found no other. What spell you cast upon me has remained steadfast. Through the trials and tribulations of 14 years...I remain true to you. Blind faith...or stupidity...are they not the same? Your life has diverged much these last 14 years...I suspect I would recognise it little. Am I not even worth a passing thought of yesteryear? Perhaps not...but I have been consumed by your presence...or lack thereof...these many years. The chains that have bound me to your soul...your memory...your heart...have withstood the test of time. For has been eternal...without the passage of time. Though you may have forgotten me...I shall never forsake you. Each year that passes in this emptiness...only strengthens the invisible bond that we once shared. Long suffering soul am walk this cold earth and want that which evades my grasp.

So it has been now going on the 15th year. To think that just 5 years shy of 2 decades I would still pain for you. Unthinkable at the time...yet here I proof of the power of such an emotional bond. Like so many others before it, this birthday shall be no day of celebration...rather... it shall remain a testament of my love for one who is so far both time and space. A weary traveller am I...each day, month and year...ever a burden upon my will. Yet it is the thought of you that allows me to carry the yoke of troubles
which bind me. It is you who gives me light in the dark places of the world. So it has been for almost 15 shall it be for another 15. Alma...look into my eyes of memory...and tell me what you feel.

I feel older than my years...stretched out of shape...and worn away. I see the hatred of the world unleashed upon the innocent...the defenseless...the poor and disenfranchised. I see greed and power ever corrupting all that it touches. I feel the wounds of the masses struggling to survive. I feel the advent of a coming war too terrible too describe. Yet despite this oppression...I am lifted upward by the memories you have burnished into my heart. That in a sea of billions...for mere seconds of time...we looked upon each other deep into our souls...and that cosmic connection which defies explantion was forever sparked.

Happy birthday indeed....sigh........