Friday, July 01, 2005

Summer is flying is my life.

July already and it feels like summer is almost over. Not yet of course...but it feels like it. I really haven't done a thing so far. Most disappointing. No trips to anywhere...yet. The weather here has been great. Maybe around 80 for a high. Not bad.

I see that Alma is still baking in Arizona. For weeks the temps have been over 100 in Phoenix and Tucson. Most of the border there has been the as hell. If she were to read this...I hope that you are doing well. I think of you all too often. I still feel just as guilty and bad for making such a mess of everything. I love you just as much as I did so long ago. My exile forces me to admire you from a long distance...lest I bring down the full fury and wrath of the government upon me. My war continues...the names may change...but the power behind the throne is as determined as ever. I wish that I could at least see you...but alas...that is not possible.

So I must remember the dreams I had..we had...and look upon the grainy photos of you from Glynco. Humans should not have to suffer these fates on the whims of the powerful who can show no compassion, empathy...or love. How you feel...I cannot say. I can guess...I can speculate...I can wish. But none of the that makes it true. Only you know what you one can say that for you. I know how I feel...and I know that you know this. I have shared it many times in the past. Now through the pages of this now how I still feel about you.

My written words have superceded my artistic medium...which has been all but silenced by the incident at Glynco. What beauty that once flowed through my fingertips by pen and flows through the same by words of inner thought. I would again like to see if the same artistic magic can be put upon paper and canvas...but each time I have tried...visions of what my art caused 13 years past haunts me like no other.
I do not know what it will take to release the torment of those visions to a point where the canvas befriends me once again. Perhaps you do? I wish that you and your loved ones have a great 4th of July.


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What a crappy day.....

Another day of...well...pain and disappointment. What could have happened today. Well, to start with I was cleaning around the old apartment and a rather heavy...say 15 fell off a shelf and dropped on my foot. My bare foot. Besides the usual swelled like a mellon. The doc said one small fracture in one of the foot bones. Got back to the abode and as I was nailing the shelf unit back up, I pulled a muscle behind my right shoulder blade. That sure felt good. I can still feel it all the through my chest.

Not done yet. I get 2 letters telling me that if I don't pay my power bill by the it goes. I try and call the power company up to make arrangements...surprise...the phone was turned off. I then try and go to my cousin's office to call...the car battery is dead. All this and it is still early in the afternoon. I can just imagine what more "fun" is in store for me by the end of this miserable day. Sigh....

Monday, June 27, 2005

TSA Shannanigans Part 4

In the continuing saga of my quest for justice frim the TSA and DHS...the fun just never stops! So I get another SF-50 (#3) last week and it shows them removing me from permanent status...and placing me back on probationary status. Huh?????? They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one. Can't really say I have heard this one before...but after the long ordeal with the INS and the DOJ...nothing surprises me anymore.

I finally got through to the TSA Office of Civil Rights to check on my case. They are preparing it to be sent to the Department of Homeland Security for adjudication. In fantasy land they have 60 days to issue a reality will be much longer. Of course...if I don't like their decision (any bets here) I can either have the EEOC review it, or it's off to District Court. I should be awarded an honorary law degree for all this legal work the last 13 years...and counting.

Finally...I was checking the weather in south eastern Arizona (Douglas to be exact). Whoo is it hot down there. 104 degrees yesterday...even hotter tomorrow and the next day...the whole week is the same. Here in Long Beach...78 degrees and sunny. I wonder how people handle that kind of heat day after day...imagine the AC bills. I wonder how Alma is handling the heat? After years of being there...I am sure she has it worked out. It would be nice to hear how she is doing once in a while. I miss her as much as I always have. She should know that I will never stop thinking of her, caring for her...loving her. Though the years may pass...friends and lovers come and go...but true love lasts a lifetime. Sigh...........