Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It Is Starting To Feel Alot Like Winter.

Well...winter for here anyway. The nights are getting into the mid 40s. The days are in the mid to high 60s. Los Angeles is not exactly a frozen tundra...but when you have been here long enough...your blood gets somewhat thin. Of course there is no comparison to my childhood hometown winters in Idaho. Brrrr...I get cold just thinking about it now.

There has been snow and the temps are in the teens at night. No thank you! But here in good ol LA...what can I say...sunshine!

Speaking of cold. Who would ever think of southeast Arizona of getting cold. But sure enough, the nights around Sierra Vista and Douglas have been getting into the low 30's...even the high 20's. I sure hope all of the thousands of illegal immigrants dress warmly for their midnight "journey". I 'll bet the Border Patrol buses are nice and warm though.

Lastly...well...I hope my lost love is keeping herself bundled up at night. Preferably not with another hu"man"...but most likely...this is the case. It portends a cold, cruel winter indeed.


Proposed LEO legislation defeated

Recently the new Homeland Security appropriations bill was passed. Unfortunately for CBP Officers, none of the proposed legislation passed muster and died in committee. So at least for this year, there will be no 6-C retirement coverage, or a separation of the 3 different functions CBPO's currently do. In fact, not a single proposal from Rep. Jackson made it. While I may disagree with the mandatory age restrictions imposed by 6-C coverage, I am not against labeling CBPO's as a federal LEO. I would fully support 6-C coverage if the age caps were not such an impediment.

Perhaps next year will bring change...but for now...veterans and older applicants can remain optimistic about applying for one of these jobs.