Here it is, 5 days into the month already and I am stuck in limbo land. Do you ever find yourself you can't get out of first gear? That's what I am feeling right now. I have been stuck for so long now...I can barely remember the last forward motion that I have had. The monotomy of it all. Same in and same after day. The same old routine...will it never end? I need some adventure...some excitement...some travel. Anything to get out of this rut I am stuck in. I haven't had a good adventure...I mean a really good adventure...since my trip to Glynco. I am way overdue. I guess I can look forward to that drive to South Dakota in June for my nephew's wedding.
That's a good start.
Now...on to other things. The outrageous price of gas. Here in SoCal we have the most expensive gas in the country. The typical price of regular unleaded is now around $2.42 a gallon. Ouch! Be thankful you don't live here. Now we find out that Mobile-Texaco is buying out Unicol. I can only imagine what the price of gas will be this summer. It figures though...because of my trip to South Dakota in June.
I am still trying to get the Picassa 2 software to work right, It is not letting me log in. I will probaly have to unistall it, then reinstall from scratch. Had it been working properly, I would have had some pics up by now. Hopefully by the fin de semana. Those 2 Academy photocopies I have are really turning out great. The MS Digital Image Suite 10 is amazing. You wouldn't believe how nice they cleaned up. I will post a "before" and an "after" so you can see the difference.
I would highly recommend that product for anyone who is into digital photography. A good scanner makes a world of difference too.
Lastly...I had another dream last night about her. I seem to get one every few weeks. They seem so real...I can usually remember most of the details. Talking about ingrained in my subconscience mind. The scenarios are usually the same...with slightly different storylines. Most center around the Academy and what happened there...although a few have had other locales. Too bad real life doesn't imitate dreams. If that were so...I would have patched things up long ago. Speaking of dreams. Have you ever wondered just how they are formed? I have. Just think...that in the span of a few short minutes...a whole episode of some event can happen. I don't know about anyone else...but I often dream about places or things I know I have never seen before. Made up places I suspect. How is it that the mind can put together a story that is cohesive where it can be understood is beyond me. This is particularly true of places, people or events that I have never encountered in the real world. It just seems odd to me that whatever creates these dreams for each person...has a way of adding color, sound, effects and a logical that you can at least follow it along in your sleep. Even if you don't understand the meaning of it. How is it that the brain can create unknown and strange places and events that you, personally, have never seen before? How is it that the dreams are usually in your native language...when there is dialog? How is it possible for your sleeping mind to create these things each night...and for what purpose do they serve? Too bad we don't have a dream machine. You know...a machine that captures images of dreams while you you can replay them later. Sort of like a Tivo. I can only imagine the kinds of dreams I have had over the years. In particular...the last 13 years.
In true Orwellian thought...I am sure in some government lab of our fine public servents is working on such a machine as I speak. Of course what I would use such a piece of equipment for...and what the government would use it for...are 2 different things entirely.
Perhaps in another 100 years...our descendants will (if we haven't killed each other off by then) know what their dreams really are. Imagine the possibilities...then tie that into quantum physics and string theory...enumerating up to 11 separate demensions of time and space coexisting. Most intriguing.