Friday, January 20, 2006

This is where F4 Phantom fighters go to die. Posted by Picasa

Where B52 bombers go to die.  Posted by Picasa

An SR71 Blackbird on static display...can't say for sure what the little one is next to it. Posted by Picasa

Extra F16 Falcon fighters? You never know when you will need them. Posted by Picasa it one, or two, U2 Spyplanes here? You be the judge. Posted by Picasa

Check out these active A10 Warthogs. These are close air support aircraft also known as tankbusters. They have a gatlin gun mounted in the nose.  Posted by Picasa

It is a little hard to see because the plastic is dirty and scuffed, but check out Shelob's fangs. Imagine those inch+ long fangs buried in your arm. You know that would have to hurt! Posted by Picasa

The latest addition. I just received this 2 year old male Therophosa Blondi (Goliath Birdeater) for Shelob, my large female. This male is still a subadult and won't be ready to mate until next year.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Leach aid anyone? Talk about hazardous waste. This is a leach field in which the detrimus of processing and refining is allowed to "leach" back into the soil for "cleansing". You can clearly see the exit pipes from the main facility. Located NE of Pyongyang, North, Korea Posted by Picasa

Check out this North Korean anti-aircraft gun battery. Notice that the gun emplacement on the left is empty. Of course, that still leaves 7 guns available for action. This installation is located North East of Pyongyang.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 16, 2006

This is the Douglas, AZ border crossing. Aqua Prieta, Sonora is at the bottom. Notice how the road entering the US runs along the border fence. If you really want to see the disparity between American and Mexican immigration/customs...look at the the U.S. facilities on top...versus the Mexican facilities on the bottom.  Posted by Picasa

Here is another northern border shot. This is the Peace Arch Park crossing in Washington state. Posted by Picasa

Talk about a lonely outpost. Check out this railroad border crossing in Laredo, Texas. If you look in the center of the can see the U.S. Border Patrol vehicle. It is the white dot.  Posted by Picasa

To see what is happening at our northern is a shot of the Blaine, Washington border crossing. Hmmm...looks like pretty equal flow between the US and Canada here.  Posted by Picasa

This is the second Nogales, AZ border crossing. Guess which way is the Estados Unidos? Posted by Picasa

The primary Nogales, AZ border crossing. Nogales, Senora is at the bottom.  Posted by Picasa

Look at the border crossing in Naco, AZ. A real hotbed of exitement. It doesn't look very secure...does it?  Posted by Picasa

Lastly...this is the 3rd El Paso, TX border crossing. Not much going on here. The Rio Grande is actually not much more than a canal...and unless it rains...can easily be forded by foot. I remember watching children playing in that dirty, contaminated water on the Mexico side the last time I was in El Paso. Posted by Picasa

This is a look at the second El Paso, TX border crossing. Posted by Picasa

Here is a shot of the main El Paso, Texas border crossing. The bridge crosses over the Rio Grande...or as Mexico calls it...the Rio Bravo del Norte. Ciudad Juarez lies just to the South. Posted by Picasa

This is a "bird's eye" view of the Calexico, California border crossing. Mexicali is at the bottom. Looks like another bumper crop heading North for work.  Posted by Picasa

The border crossing at Laredo, Texas. Notice which way most of the cars are headed?Hint...the U.S. is at the top.  Posted by Picasa

Well...what do we have here? This is a satellite shot of a South Korean military airfield. You can clealry see the A10 Warthogs and the fighter jets...possibly F15 Eagles. Notice the reinforced hangers and revampments.  Posted by Picasa

Here it is...the world famous Boise State Broncos football stadium. The only college stadium in the US with blue turf. My alma mater...of course. Again...a satellite photo. Posted by Picasa

Here is an interesting satellite photo of something in Bagdad, Iraq. Anyone care to venture what it is?  Posted by Picasa