Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Ravages of Cancer

Just about 3 hours ago my cousin called me and stated that for all intentional purposes...his finace had passed away. They had been togther about two and a half years and were planning to get married soon. It seems like the cancer that she had... finally had taken it's toll. She had lost all brain functions and was in a coma. They were set to remove her life support just 1 hour after he called me. I had seen her just the day before in the hospital...and she looked as close to death as I had seen anyone. The cancer she had was breast cancer...the same type her mother had died from.

It was not an easy death for her. For the cancer spread...pain was her constant companion. Morphine didn't even work in the last week. The cancer had spread throughout her body...into her liver and bones. This was her 3rd bout with that she lost. Perhaps she would have beaten it once again; had the doctor removed all of the cancerous lymph nodes.
But he did not...even knowing that at least one was infected...he left it in hoping that chemo and radiation would help. Within a few short months of his bad killed her. Can anyone say "malpractice".

It was a death I would not want. She was only about 36. What a shame that some people have to go out in such a terrible way...and so young...while evil people who should receive that kind of a death...seem to live forever. I sit here now and contemplate the future...Alma's future.

What does it hold. Life is so fragile and fleeting. Death can come for anyone...anytime...with nary a warning. Live life to it's fullest...who gives a damn what others may think. Live life as if it were your last it may very well be. Tear down the walls of pride, hate and anger...for when you are dead...not another chance will you get to make amends. Just some introspection of the grief I will have to help my cousin deal with.

I feel the same way. Though not entirely the seems so for me. The day I lost Alma...13 years ago...was like experiencing a kind of death. Like death...the separation was sudden...traumatic...and oh so painful. Like death...I was never able to see her again. A part of me died that fateful day...not unlike what my cousin is now experiencing. Was/is my love for Alma any less real or genuine than his love for his deceased fiance? I think not. And we all have our crosses to bear...don't we?

So for this...I bid a fond farewell to Lisa. At least she is not suffering in hellish pain now...and she is at peace.