Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This is the result of a sting from a suspected Africanized "killer" bee. I was attacked by a small hive of these near Palm Springs and was stung 6 times before diving into the cab of my truck. They chased me about 300 yards. This welt was over a day old and still the size of a quarter. I am not allergic to bee stings...but these babies pack a real punch!  Posted by Picasa

A Dune Scorpion under UV Black Light. In case you have never seen a scorpion luminese under a black light. A very eerie glow...like it was hit with radioactivity, Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 06, 2006

Chuckwallas. The one on top is a new specimen. The one on the bottom is now well acclimated and is almost "dog" tame. These iguanid lizards are weel known for their gentle dispositions and ease of handling.  Posted by Picasa

This is a nice example of a ringneck lizard. A larger male with full tail. Very fast lizards and extremely hard to catch.  Posted by Picasa

This is a female Granite Spiny Lizard. Notice the lack of colors. Also smaller in size. Posted by Picasa

A very colorful male Granite Spiny Lizard. Notice the purple and green colors. Much more vibrant than what this pic shows. This male is quite large and robust.  Posted by Picasa

2 Western Banded geckos and an assortment of granite night lizards. These weird lizards are strictly nocturnal and are very flat. They look like someone ran them over because their legs stretch out flat to their bodies.Cool spotted patterns though.  Posted by Picasa

One nasty centipede that was almost 5 inches long. Not only can they bite savagely, they have 2 "stingers" at the tail. They will drive in the 2 extended "legs" and they do pack a punch. Not to be played with! Posted by Picasa

Here is an interesting little bat that was found under a rock. To give you an indication of it's size, just compare this subadult cricket. It was kind of cute...in an odd way. It was released after this photo was taken.  Posted by Picasa

The latest herp trip. This scorpion was not happy and is very quick. These particular scorpions glow under black light...an erie yellow phosphorous color. The stings do hurt, but are not deadly. I got stung by one of them, it was like being stung by a wasp. Still not a pleasant ordeal.  Posted by Picasa