Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Baby Opossum

Last night at about 9:00pm I get a phone call from my cousin...who tells me that he caught a baby "possum" at a nearby park. If you have never seen one of our North American Opossums...they look alot like a large rat. Ugly tails and all.
But...they are probaly the stupidest mammal alive. Not much in the brain department. That's why in places that have see them flattened in the road all the time. You would think that a creature the size of an adult possum would live at least 10 years...but unbelievably...they only live to about 3 or 4 years. Very short lives.

Anyway...he call me and wants to know if I want the thing. I told him if it were small lizard might eat it. So I check it out...and it is about the size of a rat...but too big for my lizard. Ugly little cuss. I will probably just release it somewhere. I'll get a couple of pics of it before then...and post them up. See if you don't agree...looks like a rat. The common possum...I can just hear granny from the Beverly Hillbillies saying..."come an get that thar possum innard stew Jethro!" Mmmm Mmmmm good!


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