Monday, May 02, 2005

The Dog Pound

Today, while helping my cousin with an event in a nearby city...I walked down to the SEACCA animal shelter to see what their new building looked like. Very nice least for the people. While I was standing there, a woman walked in and told the receptionist that her roommate moved out of their place...and abandoned her 2 dogs. The woman said she worked to much to take care of them...and wanted to turn them into the shelter for adoption. She said that the 2 dogs were miniture schnauzers about 7 months old. The woman was asked several questions and she had replied that she had cared for the dogs for about 3 weeks now.

That was the wrong thing to say. The woman was told that because she had cared for them...even for a few weeks...the only thing they could do was euthanize (kill) them. After some begging and pleading...the woman was promised that they would try to find a new home first. In addition, she also had to pay the shelter $55 to take the dogs in. I really felt sorry for that woman and the friend who was with they almost in tears in having to give the dogs up. Living in a small apartment...I certainly did not have room...though I wish I did. I hope someone adopts them before they are they were really nice and friendly dogs. It would be a great shame if they have to put them "down".


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