Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Fox Studios and Stuff

Thursday I get to accompany my cousin out to Fox Studios for something he has to do there. I volunteered to come along to check it out. Should be interesting...though he will only be there 2 hours. I will just relax and watch the people go by...who knows...might even see a celebrity. He tells me that he is going to be across "The Simpsons" studio. That should be worth a look see. Beats laying at home all stoved up.

This morning, my back was hurting quite severely. I had to take a few prescription (mine) pain killers to calm it down. I can say that it has never been the same after I injured it at TSA in 2003. Some days hurt more than others. I never know when...it just happens. It certainly makes you feel old beyond your years.

I have pets that I take care of. Only one really needs any care...and that's my lazy, fat, cat...named Ghost. I also have a large 20" Irian Jaya Blue Tongue Skink (lizard). A beautiful orange phase...tame as a kitten. Kids at schools and events love it when I bring him. I let them use him for educational purposes sometimes. These lizards never bite, can't run much, don't jump and can't really climb. An excellent lizard for you couch potatoes...and kids. They are expensive though...at least 2 or 3 hundred dollars each.

My last little pet cannot be handled...as it is quite aggressive...and with fangs nearly 2 inches long...quite painful. It will bite and for it's size...is very fast. It climbs well too. You might be thinking it is a snake. Nope. Actually it is the largest species of spider in the world. The Goliath Bird Eater from South America. Mine is a large female with a legspan the size of a dinner plate. Trust me...it is huge. Though the venom is really nontoxic to humans...if you got bitten by it...you would definately know it. It eats just about anything. Bugs...beetles...months...lizards...mice etc. If you remember the movie Arachnaphobia...it resembles that big one chasing the guy in the basement...and it is almost that big. But unlike the movie...it can't think, plot or scheme...it has such a primitive brain. It won't jump out at you either.

What it does do however...is use stridation. It rubs the hairs under it's body together and makes hissing sounds when confronted. It will rear up on it's back legs with its fangs and front legs extended out. Most intimidating. It also has another defense mechanism...irticating hairs on it's abdomen. When threatened...it uses it's back legs to flip off these very fine hairs at would be attackers. They are barbed and boy do they itch. I know...I have gotten a face full of them on occasion. If you have ever been stung by stinging nettle plants...well...that's what the hairs feel like. It takes forever to wash them out...and if the get in your eyes...ouch! A cool spider anyway. I have had many offers to sell it...as it is worth probably 4 to 5 hundred dollars.

Well...that's about all for now. Have a good day.


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