Why is the "LISA" domain visiting my site so often?
Another mystery I have come across is most perplexing. As anyone can see who checks out my blog...I have a site meter activated on it. This is a free service that gives minimal statistatical information on how many users access your site...the page views and the time spent. Although the service does not reveal who is on your site...it does give the domain name...if known...of all who stop by. So it is that I have my mystery.
For several months now...someone operating windows XP under the LISA domain name has been checking out my site with regular frequency. They are the most frequent visitor...and spend more time reading it, than anyone else. If they are visiting for their own curiosity...or because they know who I am and like my stories...then I am honored that they would continually return. I have no problems with activity that is harmless in nature.
However...I am wondering if this LISA entity is accessing my site so much for such reasons as Identity Theft...Fraud...Criminal Activity...or for Law Enforcement and Investigative purposes.
I am concerned because the internet is filled with crooks, thieves,
spammers, hackers and...not least...law enforcement types. Not that I am doing anything wrong, but given my track record with the government over the last 13 years...nothing would surprise me now! I have asked readers to provide comments anonymously, but the most frequent visitor..."LISA"...has never responded. This makes me most suspicous of their motivation for visiting my site so much.
I would hate to have to shut down this site because of hackers, spammers, criminals or law enforcement/government investigators trying to build a bogus case against me out of spite. I am not asking that "LISA" identify themselves...I respect privacy as much as the next person...but I am asking that this entity let me know if their interest in my site is for criminal or law enforcement purposes.
I will await any response to my request before deciding if I will close this site...for my own security and safety. I have too many things going on right now to worry about whether some criminal element is up to no good...or some investigator is trying to set me up for something I did not do. I hope that you can understand my worries about this...but I really need to know if your intentions are good, or bad. I am asking that whoever it is operating under the LISA domain name please respond to my inquiry in the comments section below(you don't have to sign in or give a name)...or by email...and letting me know what is up.
I hate to ask for this...but as you have no doubt read in my stories...I have a long history of not being a favorite son of the government. They have played dirty before...and I can expect no less in the future. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you...and sincerely wish for you to keep visiting...so long as you are not a crook, or some law enforcement/government invesitgator who is trying to nail me for something I never did.
I look forward to receiving your response soon so I can put my mind...and suspicions...at ease. Thank you very much.
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