Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool's Day-My Day

Here it is...the day that was made for me. Yes, April Fool's day was tailor made for me. Why? Because for years...I have been a fool. From bad choices...bad career moves and of course...dismal failures in the romance department. I think they should rename this day as a tribute to all of us born losers. The outcasts and rejects of society.
No matter how hard we try...what good intentions we have...or how pure our hearts are...something always goes terribly wrong. Murphy's law is our bible. That is how I feel at times. I have had so much crap piled on me over the years...why would I not have such feelings?

I can handle the adversity most of the time. I have thickened my skin to absorb the barbs of failure in most cases. But the one place of failure I cannot to lose at the game of love. To have lost at romance seems to hold the deepest wounds. To have lost her years so many years ago...only to see the wounds of time not a burden I do not wish upon any person. It is a fools' hope that occupies my life. Dreams long since vanished...kept alive in the secret chambers of my being.

My day is here at last. I can celebrate with the multitudes of other fools who know of my struggles. Together we form the subset of the underground society. We rejoice in the fact that for every happy and successful soul...there are hundreds that will never experience the life they dream. The life society demands. In that fact...there is agreement and acknowledgment. Unfortunately for me...this April Fool's day lasts far longer than just the one day. It lasts an entire year. Broken up every now and then with short periods of success and joy. But like the every ready fool I am...I would not hesitate to jump back into the fire should an opportunity ever arise. Should she ever become available again...I would throw myself at her feet...waiting to be trampled upon again. I will never learn the easy way out. But that is the trademark of a true fool. Always willing to experience the same pain and sorrow over and over again.
Yes indeed...a day tailor made for a fool like me.


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