Episode 2 - Chapter 1 - THE DAY OF TERROR
I remember the time well. That day of destruction.....that day of national sorrow.....the day the earth trembled. For who would have thought that anyone dare attack the mighty empire of the United States. The most powerful nation the world had ever seen.....brought to standstill by less that 2 dozen fanatics. The fate of many were decided that dark day. The fate of a country in turmoil hung in the balance. And as it turned out.....my fate too, hung in the balance.
It had been nearly 10 years since my exile and banishment by the empire. My fall from grace left me broken and bitter....no longer the ardent supporter of an empire that turned its' back on me. So for the last decade did I float from one job.....to another. Did I float from one social circle......to another. My life was fluid...transitory.....temporary. It seemed as though it would never again be stable. I was lucky enough just to be able to complete my BA degree as it was. As the day of terror drew ever closer......I was oblivious to the world around me. So great were the wounds I suffered of the heart and soul......10 years was not enough time to heal the scars that had been left. It was a time most unpleasant indeed.
During that intervening time.....not once did I contact, call, write or otherwise pursue the interest of my love.....my "Anna". It was as if the rift between us could never be breached. It was not for my lack of wanting to......I can tell you......but for my fear of the inevitable disaster that would befall me if I did. I could not take the chance as long as the cold war against the empire remained. So it was that I refrained from any overtures that may have soothed our angered souls. Fate was again plotting against me....or for me.....as it mattered little the actions I took. The wheels were in motion....and could not be stopped. Like the events of 10 years past.....I was careening toward an uncertain future. Nothing new to me after all these years.
Yes....I remember well that fateful day in September 1991. It was a very warm day at my mother's house in the State of Idaho. I was visiting her for a few weeks when she received a call. My brother had asked her if she was watching the TV. We turned it on just in time to catch the second plane hit. Within 30 minutes........both towers crashed to the ground......and our lives would be changed forever. It was then that the empire knew it was vunerable......it had chinks in its' armor. There were soft spots that could be exploited. I am sure we all remember what we were doing the day of that tragedy. And the anger of a nation welled from the depths of a common soul.......vengence would not be denied. The battle cry was in place.....we demand blood.....our justice......and somebody will pay. In the turmoil of the time that followed.......the empire did move with uncharacteristic speed. The monolithic state moved as it had never moved before.......and in its anger.....was born a new department out of 22 that had existed. A new arm for its' power, justice and omnipotence. Yes..... and thus was created the Department of Homeland Security.....out of the many, one. But yet another agency was born out of the chaos......one that would be central to my fate and my future. For it was then that fate let slip the watchful eye of the empire......as it mourned the losses it incurred. Fate again had seen its' will done.......and for whatever reason......I slipped through the cracks of scrutiny and persecution. I became a member of that newest of agencies of the empire....the Transportation Security Adminsitration......as a baggage security screener. In the most ironic twist of fate yet......I had again taken a place as an emloyee of the empire. In the place I had been before.....10 years past! It was there that I saw some of the same people.....still with the INS......who had thrust their knives into my back a decade ago. Surprise could not begin to describe the looks on their faces upon seeing me in a uniform of the empire once again. That was satisfaction enough for me.
But as had it been for many years now.....fate was already plotting my next downfall. A new way to torment me and crush the revival I had been given. It did not take long.....but that is a story for another day.
To be continued...............
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