Thursday, February 17, 2005

Ghost Stories - Part 3

If you liked the first 2, you will like this one too. The last of my current trilogy of terror. By the way....these are all true stories!
The year was the summer of 1980. I was in the Air Force working as a drug dog handler with the USAF Police. I was stationed at, now closed Lowry AFB, just outside of Denver, Colorado. There was one old large WW 2 vintage building on the base....made of brick and quite expansive. Over the years, it had been a sanitarium and a morgue. It had a full basement in it and at night....that is where 2 controllers were locked in a a war room. Usually these people were lower ranking enlisted members.

About 2:00am one moring I was on patrol with my dog and we get a call to respond to that location ASAP....possible intruders. I arrived first and then a patrolman arrived. Of course....since I had the dog....I had to go in first. The 2 controllers told dispatch that they would not come they heard what sounded like runninng up and down all the hallways the last half hour. This building was completely secured and all doors and windows were locked. And of course....we could not get the basement lights to come on. So in we and the dog first....and the patrolman behind me. The dog started alerting like crazy, but could not get a fix on anything....first one way, then we heard running down the halls. Never saw anyone.

Then it happened, my dog got a strong scent and he led us to a bathroom down one of the halls. Something was not the dog refused to go inside....not like him at he was a trained attack dog too. I tried pushing him in, but he ran right out. Of course...we had our weapons drawn by then. I yelled sound at all. So in I went....shaking like a leaf....something was definately not right. It was then I saw something that was shocking. One of the bathroom stalls....inside the walls.....were coated in what appeared to be fresh blood. It was still dripping on the floor and was steaming. Believe me...we did not stick around there we called for a couple more units and found a way to get the lights back on. Sure enough...with it lit....there was at least a gallon of the "blood" smeared all over the interior walls of the stall. Still dripping.

We took alot of photos and samples before having it cleaned by maintanence. It was sent to a lab for was human!
We never found out from who, whom...or what it came from.
Another unsolved mystery to be sure. From that point on....there were at least 3 controllers in that office...the lights were kept on...and one was always armed with a pistol. Never had another wierd call to that place.


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