Friday once again.....and the mystery bird.
Another Friday is here again. Tomorrow I have to help my cousin out at the LA Bug Fair...which is being held at the LA Natural History Museum. I might bring giant spider...just to show the folks what a "real" spider looks like. Should get some good comments out of it. I have had numerous offers to sell for over $400!
I'm sitting at home on this computer right now listening to some ethnic Greek music on Radio Arion. I can get a number foreign stations via Windows Media Player. It is all free. What a deal...and it plays without commercials all day. So here I sit...but not for I have to do some laundry. Yuck! I hate that because of the time and hassle it is...and the laundromats are usually packed with people.
Oh...I almost forgot. I was awakened by my cat this he was freaking out over something. I then saw it...dark wings beating around the room. Was it a bat? No...not a bat. It landed on a bookshelf and my eyes focused in on it's small dark body. It had a yellow bill...and white speckles on it's irridescent body. It was a starling...a male starling. How it got in...must of been through an open window in the kitchen. It flew around for awhile as I tried to catch it. It took some doing...but I finally took it into custody. Starlings are among the most filthy and lice infested birds in the world. As I grabbed the filthy thing...I noticed small lice already jumping to my hand. Nasty! I got rid of the infested thing immediately and then promptly took a shower...just in case. Filthy...filthy...filthy birds. Worse than common street pigeons. Needless to say...that window was closed and will remain so until the outer screen is repaired.
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