The New Mayor of Los Angeles...Mexico? case you have not heard...we have a new mayor here in LA.
Antonio Villaraigosa easily beat incumbent Hahn. I hope he does what he says he is going to do. I am a little apprehensive because of his softness on illegal immigration. People may not remember...but when Proposition 187 was defeated...he was standing by Mexican President Vincente Fox in Mexico City. Together they proudly proclaimed they helped defeat the measure. passed with ease in the electorate. It was a single federal judge who gutted it and made it useless. I hope he knows where his loyalty lies. I would hate to think that Fox is actually pulling his strings.
Bienvenidos a la Estado de California del Republico de Mexico! I can imagine such a greeting at the California in the not too distant future. This is particularly possible with Southern California. It pains me to see the the United States crumble from within. Great empires normally do. Remember the Egyptians...Greeks...Romans...and Soviets? So it is with the US.
I would feel more comfortable if Villaraigosa had not been with Fox...supporting Mexico's interfering with the internal politics of the US. Then again...Fox recently ate some big time crow by infering that black americans were the lowest class of humans on the totem pole. Not to mention Fox declaring that it was perfectly acceptable to import thousands of illegal aliens to the US. I never want to hear Mexico harp about the US interfering in their internal affairs...when they openly interfere in the internal affairs of the US! Prop 187 was a US internal affair. Controlling illegal Immigration into this country is a US internal affair. Hypocrites!
Well...I hope that Villaraigosa does not sell LA out to the special interests of the La Raza and MeCha...or Aztlan. Time will tell.
I wish him a successful term of office so long as he represents all of LA and the United States.
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