Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Same old sh*t...again.

Same old Sh*t! Nothing much to report today. Another day of drudgery amid the wheels of injustice. Really...is it no wonder people trust the government less and less each year. We vote and vote and vote...but nothing really ever changes. Corporate America still runs the show. Glorified celebrities are still placed on pedestals. What ever happened to this country as it was envisioned by the founding fathers? Well...maybe I can get a few pics up tonight.

I am feeling so old and tired right now...old before my years. There are times when I look forward to when I no longer have to fight. When Uncle Sam has squeezed me for everything I have, or will have. When my life force drains completely into the vast unknown. As the years pass...that time is coming faster and faster. Since I cannot find peace and happiness here on Earth, perhaps when the time finally comes...and the reaper claims me...I will find it in the heavens above. Yes...I am feeling tired and old today. Thank you Uncle Sam!


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