Monday, April 18, 2005

One bummer of a Monday Sigh......

I guess I should have stayed in bed this morning. Bad news seemingly travels in threes...which means I can probably expect 1 more piece of bad news today. The government continues to pound away at they have done for so long. And what did they do this time...let me elaborate.

I received 2 letters today...funny they should both arrive on the same day. The first one was from Workers Comp...telling me they were not going to reopen my claim...or pay me back compensation. They told me that my conditions were pre-existing...even though I had never had any problems prior to my injury at TSA in 2003. They wouldn't even pay me the 3 months they owed me prior to discontinuing my benefits from last year. Cheap bastards anyway. I guess I'll have to file an appeal on that decision...but I sure am getting tired of filing appeals.

The second letter is from Social Security denying my disability claim. The adjudicator said she was going to send me to see one of their doctors...she never did and instead denied my claim. She stated that it appeared as though TSA did not accomodate my disability...but that I was not injured enough that I still couldn't do security work. I explained to her that not only is the security field one of the lowest paying jobs in the often requires long hours of standing and walking. That's just I am a veteran...a college grad...a former federal officer and all I am good for is some minimum wage security job. Meanwhile...people who are not even entitled to be in this country...are getting all kinds of training, help and assistance. So here goes another I am getting so tired of fighting these bastards. Year after is the same old thing.

Blacklisted...barred...shunned...persecuted! It is never going to end. Even when it is not my my injury at TSA...I am the one who gets the blame. I am the one who is made to suffer. Why am I the only one who has to give his blood? It is bad enough not to be able to see or talk to the girl I love...but to have to put up with government persecution year after ridiculous. I am not a terrorist...not a communist...not a criminal...not a right wing wacko. So why am I treated like I am all of the time!?

I should have just stayed in bed this morning. Sigh..........


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