Monday, March 14, 2005

Who is Alive Out There?

I was just sitting here at my computer again wondering just how many people actually read the stuff I put on here. Besides being a journal......I would hope it has some entertainment value to whomever checks out this site. I would like to know what anyone thinks of the dribble I publish......from time to time. I can understand that some people are very reserved and would rather just read about the misery of some one else. That's perfectly fine. Please keep reading. But if you are opinionated....feel free to leave comments....or email me about anything you might have questions about - . I do believe there are several "regulars" who keep up on my saga. I would appreciate feedback....if you don't mind. You don't have to tell me anything about yourself......but I could get an idea why you find my site interesting. Thanks for reading my stories.....there will be many more to come. Not to mention the ongoing saga of Volume 2 of my minibook.


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