Sunday, March 13, 2005

Buried Nuclear Waste?

This story involves my short career as a private investigator back in 1997. I was hired by the John T. Lynch Company, a private investigation firm in out of business. We conducted investigations for both civil and criminal the client requested. As it was.....I had to go with Mr. Lynch and assist him in an investigation in Calexico. This is a small border town in California. The matter was regarding theft and criminal misconduct of employees of Laidlaw Environmental Services.

As we both interviewed the employees.....under the guise of internal auditors for the company.....we became aware of the vast amount of theft and misconduct that certain employees were engaged in. In the added up to well over $100,000 in materials and services. Most of the theft was being committed by several high ranking managers of that field office. I had the responsibility of making the final report as well. It was like these people were operating in their own feudal kingdoms down there. They were selling much of stolen material across the border in Mexicali. it turned out....we had to interview the head manager several times because of his involvement in the acts. It was during his last interview that he revealed some very startling information.
According to his testimony.....contaiminated nuclear waste was being shipped from Japan to Mexico. From there, he and several other employees arranged to have the waste snuck across the border into the US and it was buried somewhere in the desert near Calexico. According to his testimony.....this had gone on several years.....and there was quite a lot of waste hidden. He refused to tell us exactly where it was at. I completed the report that included this information and sent it to our client....Laidlaw Corporate Offices. We had requested that they retain our firm so we could follow up on the reputed buried our initial contract and funding did not include this area of investigation.

We finally received a reply from Laidlaw.....and they specifically told us that we were done with any investigation in that location....and that they were going to "handle" it internally.
We never heard another word from Laidlaw after that. I assume they whitewashed the report so as not to get in trouble with the government and have the feds get involved. If there is nuclear waste buried out there.....I imagine it is still there. Now that's food for thought. I passed the information aong to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission......I don't know what actions they took....
as I have heard nothing further since 1997.

It makes you wonder what else has been brought across the border
all these many terrorists.....or weapons.


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