Escape from Stalag 13
Well...not exactly Stalag 13. An escape none the less. What might wonder? Well, for those with the heeebie jeebies toward is somewhere...slithering its' serpentine body in my cousin's office. It had only been captured 2 weeks ago...but is lurking out of sight. is just a sub-adult female california kingsnake. Maybe 3 feet long. It is banded along the lenth of its' body in black and yellow. Sometime late last night the breakout ocurred. Somehow the tiny creature pushed the metal top of the cage off, dislodging a heavy electric drill placed on top. Oh...I am certain that she lies in wait for its oppportunity to make the great escape. It has holed some small, dark and obscure hole. Now it just waits...until the conditions are just right.
But it won't be that easy for the escapee. The jack booted thugs...yes, my cousin and I...are not about to let this little serpent escape so easily. We too will bide our time. Sooner or later...hunger will drive it out. Then we will spring upon does a predator with his prey.
Then it's back to the gulag for her. The waiting game has begun.
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