Spider Moult
I stopped off at my cousin's office this morning...and discovered that my goliath
tarantula had moulted off it's old skin. I pulled it out of the tank and it was still wet. This allowed me to pose the old skin in a natural spider stance. If you didn't know it was the old skin...you would swear it was an actual live spider.
This is the second moult this spider has done since I have had it. I discovered that certain people pay good money for large spider moults like the ones I have.
If you have never seen one of these things shed their skin...it is quite amazing.
They flip on their backs...and slowly the skin splits along the side. They then slowly crawl outof their old skin. The whole process takes several hours. An interesting science lesson. Next time it moults...I'll see if I can get some pics of it in the process.
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