Monday...Oh Monday!
Hmm...another dreary Monday in the rat race of life. Is it not the same each long week? Trudging off to the salt it to an office cubicle. The pointy haired boss...dimwitted beyond belief...gains acces to executive priviledge. We...the woker bees...gain acess to an early death. But off we go...driven by an automated sense of duty...lest we be branded some sort of malcontent. Are we any better off than the real bees who slave for the queen until their dying days?
As much as it pains most...we are little more than the insects we often ridicule. We run the routine to provide shelter and security to the local colony...though on a much more restricted scale. We do as we are we not? How often each day must we obey the colony masters? The boss at work...that's a given. How about back at the "nest". Surely the spouse insists on obedience. Then there is the supercolony...the government...and the legions of cells below it. All have their own rules...which must be followed without question. You want to build a what? You want to own what? You want to sell what? You want to drive? And the list goes on and an endless stuggle for the bargaining rights to our individuality. We must gain permission from the colony for each action we seek. Failing to recognize the omnipotence of the colony brings dire consequences.
For it is in this country that the irony is the greatest. Since birth...have we not heard such are free to do whatever you become whatever you succeed as much as you wish? Is this really the truth? I think not. Let's face it...for each successful position, job, office, post, excutive, etc....there are many thousands that are not eligible. That old can be president if you want. How? During one's lifetime there may be what...10 presidents...give or take a few. In a country of 300 million people...only 10 souls may occupy the office. Not good odds are they? The lotto would have been better. Now...narrow that 300 million down to only those born in this country, than narrow it down more to those with college degrees, filter out the poor, nonwhites, women, party affiliation and other factors....and we end up with a very few who could even be president in their lifetimes. No matter how badly they wanted to be. The same criteria apply to just about any other position of power and wealth...tweak the filters a bit and there you have it.
You see it all the time in commercial business....corporate america...public service and elected office. Criteria that is solidly structured to ensure that only a few of the many will ever be able to advance. So here we are...the vast majority...slugging our way through Monday after ensure the wealth, happiness and control of the colony masters.
But we have an advantage over the insects of the world. We occasionally use our brains...and when we have had enough control...we sometimes...just sometimes...remake the colony. Meanwhile the rest of you worker bees out there... allow the hive to survive...because of the honey we bring. Honey tainted by the blood, sweat and tears of you and I.
Man...aren't Mondays great!
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