Let it Rain...Rain...Rain
Well...tomorrow I am off with my cousin for a week trip to soggy Silver Lake, Washington. It has been raining almost non-stop there for weeks. Gloomy...wet...cold. Yuck! The holiday season this year sucks more than usual. This trip is one reason why. Don't get me wrong...I enjoy the family and all...it is just that the weather is so damn miserable.
You say you have never heard of Silver Lake, Washington? Few have...as it is just a little burg of a place. Think Mount St. Helens and you would be close. It rests near the foot of that famous volcano. All green with ample conifers and ferns. Of course it is green...because of the rain! Buckets of cold miserable rain. A beautiful place when the sun actually does shine...a rarity in the winter.
Thank God it is only for a week. Back here in congested Los Angeles...why today the tempature was due to hit the mid 70s! Plenty of sun here. On the first day of winter...tomorrow...the projected high is around 78! Now who in their right mind would want to leave that for the rain belt? It is only a week...surely I can handle one week of the wet stuff. Quack...Quack...Quack!
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