Check out this once in a lifetime shot! Taken by me just yesterday in the San Gabriel mountains overlooking Los Angeles. As my cousin and I rounded a corner on old Hwy 39, 2 Bighorn sheep were running down the road at full speed. Just as suddenly, both turned right into a nearly vertical cliff and shot almost straight up! Unbelievable was the only word for it. I mean...that cliff was high, steep and shear. I don't think Spiderman could have done it better. It all happened so fast I was only able to get one pic...but what a pic it is. I am still stoked about it. Wow!

That really is an incredible photo, well done. I was walking dogs tonight and forgot my camera...and of course there were four racoons, a mama and 3 babies so cute just sitting and barking at me. Rats. tomorrow night for sure.
just tripped over your site, fun.
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