Why the Time Machine?
Well, I just got done analysing what accomplishments I had to show for myself. Sadly, very little. Then I started going back over some of the more important aspects of my life and noticed that with peculiar regularity; when the sh*t hit the fan, I was always unprepared. Being a trusting, sensitive and honest type; I fell for whatever B.S. story came out of the mouths of authority figures, government types and of course, women. Boy was I a sucker. Well, after years of going to the School of Hard Knox and subjugating my body, soul, intellect and heart to beating, after humiliating beating. I had enough. Was I really that naive and stupid.....well, no more than about billion other stupid individuals. Wow, I thought.......wouldn't a time machine solve my problems? You know how 20/20 hindsight works. I could think of at least a hundred situations I could have used that time machine. Unfortunately, such machines don't really exist..do they? Well at least outside of Area 51. Since I don't have the real thing (yet), and I have an endless amount of poorly executed decisions to account for; why not harness the power of the Net to deliver my soapbox sermons. The time machine on the cheap. The world of would of, could of and should of; wrapped up in a monitor for the masses to see. The atonement of my sins, trials and tribulations. But why limit a poor schmuck like me to this confessional when I am in such good company. The world is full of regrets, anger, hatred, vengence, prejudice and broken hearts. To err is human, to forgive, divine....or so the saying goes. Well this is my forum for offering 20/20 solutions to whatever burdens the soul. Believe me, I have plenty. I am betting that you do to. Think of your past.....surely there are some skeletons there.
Which leads me back to the time machine. Sure, it didn't work out in the real world; but thanks to cyberspace, some imagination and the good old Freedom of Speech provision of the US Constitution; I can explain myself, offer apologies, seek forgiveness of those that were wronged, or unload the fury of my wrath. Feel free to unload your troubles on my blog if you would like. I feel your pain. Guilt operates 24/7. Got opinions? Who doesn't.
Have you been reading my diary? Where did you get all these details? Who told you? Spies? FBI? CIA? MI? ABC? Hehehe.
Great job! I am impressed. Keep on blogging, man. Welcome to the blogosphere.
Thanks for the comments Rosemary. Glad to see your approval. You certainly have insight. Oh, and yes to all of your questions LOL.
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